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Official Rules
Official Rules
Version of March,10 2023
Download an official game protocol
1. General Provision
1.1. Ten players participate in the Game. The game is played at a table of sufficient size to accommodate all participants comfortably. Player positions are numbered from 1 to 10.
Also at the table, there should be a place for the Host (or Referee), who controls the course of the game and regulates its stages. The host may have assistants or touch judges who also help lead and direct the game.
1.2. The game is played in a language that is completely understandable to all participants including the Host's assistants. The use of words and expressions in other languages is not approved and may be punished with fouls at the Host’s discretion.
1.3. Before taking place at the table, each player must draw a keg or a card, that indicates the number of their place. Players are not allowed to exchange seats with other players.
Tournaments can use an automatic arrangement system to ensure players are seated randomly in different places in different games. In the case of using automatic arrangement, the player's place is predetermined before the start of the game. There are no advantages or disadvantages associated with a seat number.
1.4. During the Game, players are traditionally referred to by their seat numbers. For example, a player sitting in 2nd place is called "player number 2".
1.5. Before the start of the game, the Host must make sure that each player has a personal mask that he will use during the "Night" phase.
1.6. Once all the players have taken their places at the table and greeted each other, the game begins.
2. Gameplay
2.1. Distribution of roles
2.1.1. The game is divided into two phases: "Day" and "Night". The phases of the game are announced by the Host.
2.1.2. The game begins with the "Night" phase. After the Host announces "Night", each player is required to take a “Night Pose”: put on a mask, sit upright in relation to the table, cross their arms in their chest (see image) and tilt their head low forward. This takes no more than 3 seconds. Organizers may also allow an other “Night Pose” in agreement with the Referee Committee. In the case of a special “Night Pose” allowed, all players must comply, except for special cases.
2.1.3. During the “Night” phase, players are not allowed to touch the mask. The exception is the special active phases of the "Night" for the Don, Mafia and Sheriff.
2.1.4. During the "Night" phase, the players must stay in the "Night Pose" described in paragraph 2.1.2. It is forbidden to speak, sing, dance, drum on the table, drink and eat, approach other players and perform any actions that go beyond the "night" behavior. For any of these violations, the player may receive a warning or a suspension.
2.1.5. Once all players have taken the correct "Night Pose", the Host or Assistant invites the players to choose their role card. The cards are placed on a tray in front of the player. The player makes a choice blindly, then removes the mask to see their role for the game. The player sitting at number 1 chooses first from a deck of 10 cards. After a card is chosen by the player, it is removed from the deck. Thus, the second player chooses a card from a deck of 9 cards, the third from 8 cards, the fourth from 7, and so on. After choosing a card, each player puts the mask back on so that no player knows which cards were chosen by the other players.
2.1.6. It is strictly forbidden to deliberately look at more than one card from the deck. For such a violation, the player automatically receives a "Yellow" card, penalty points in the final rating, and the roles must be reassigned.
2.1.7. The deck contains 7 red ("citizens") and 3 black ("mafia") cards. One of the 7 red cards is different from the others - this is the "Sheriff" card - it is the leader of the "red" team. One of the three black cards is also different - this is the "Don" card - the leader of the "black" team.
2.1.8. Thus, after the distribution of cards, all players are split among two teams: “Reds” and “Blacks”.
2.1.9. The goal of the game for the Reds is to expose and eliminate the Blacks, while for the Blacks it is to confuse the other players and eliminate the Reds. The Reds are outnumbered, but the Blacks know who is who in this game.
2.1.10. The Host / Referee is obliged to lead the game, but not to help the players.
2.2. Arrangement
2.2.1. After the distribution of roles, the Host announces: "the Mafia is waking up." After this command, the players who have chosen Mafia cards, including Don, take off their masks and get to know each other. This is the only night when the Mafia members open their eyes at the same time and out of sight of other players.
2.2.2. During the Arrangement, Mafia players can develop their own plan to eliminate the citizens, doing it as silently as possible. The Mafia players have exactly 1 minute to make a deal. After that time, the Host announces: "The mafia is falling asleep." After these words, the "black" players put on their masks again and bow their heads low.
2.2.3. Then, the Host announces: "The Don is waking up." The Don gestures for himself and has the right to take off his mask and look at other players. In subsequent "nights" The Don will wake up and look for the Sheriff. This takes 15 seconds. The Host announces "The Don is falling asleep" and the Don returns to his night pose.
2.2.4. Then, the Host announces: "The Sheriff is waking up." The Sheriff gestures for himself and has the right to take off his mask and look at other players. In subsequent "nights" The Sheriff will wake up and look for Mafia. This takes 15 seconds. The Host announces "The Sheriff is falling asleep" and the Sheriff returns to his night pose.
2.2.5. After that, the Host announces “It's morning in the city. Everyone is waking up.”
2.3. “Day” phase
2.3.1. After the announcement of the “Day” phase, all players are required to remove their masks. Wearing a mask during the “Day” is punishable by a verbal warning or a foul.
2.3.2. Each player is given exactly one minute to express their ideas, thoughts and suspicions. The facilitator marks the time for each statement. The player sitting in 1st place starts the discussion on the first "Day", then all the other players speak in order.
2.3.3. Each player has the right to end his speech before the time expires with the word “pass” or by turning to the Host. The use of these words in a different context does not entail the end of the speech.
2.3.4. The appeal of the players to the Host during their speech is not punished with warnings, however, the Hosts has no right to respond to such appeals. The only exception is the ability to ask the Host “How many warnings do I have?” and receive a verbal or gestural response in such a way that the Host's response does not interfere with the other player's speech (see clause 4.6).
2.3.5. Each player during their speech can nominate one player present at the table, including his own, to vote for exclusion from the game.
2.3.6. The nomination must be made in the affirmative form in the present tense: "I nominate player number ..." or "Accept the player number X for voting ...". Nominations by numbers are also accepted: "I nominate 5 (five)".
2.3.7. If the nomination was done correctly, the Host confirms it with the phrase “Accepted”. If the nominated player has already been nominated, the Host is not required to either announce “Accepted” or announce that the candidate has already been nominated.
2.3.8. When nominating a candidate, the player is NOT obliged to put his fist on the game table.
2.3.9. Each player, who has nominated a candidate, also has the right to withdraw this candidacy during their minute speech. The withdrawal of a candidate must be made in the affirmative form in the present tense: “I withdraw player number ...” or “Please recall / withdraw player number ...”. As with the nomination of candidates, short appeals “I withdraw (number)” are accepted.
2.3.10. A player can only withdraw a candidate that they nominated during the current speech.
2.3.11. If the withdrawal was made correctly, the Host announces "Withdrawn" in response.
2.3.12. Each player has the right to change his mind during his minute speech and, having withdrawn the previously nominated candidacy, nominate another player. At the same time, in order to save time for his speech, the player is not obliged to officially withdraw the previously nominated candidate.
2.3.13. During the “Day” phase, the Host has the right to announce a pause to resolve issues, during which the players put on masks and take a night pose, after which the rules of the “Night” phase come into play, and players are not allowed to talk or touch other players. The pause ends when the Host announces "Everyone wakes up" and the "Day" game phase continues from where the pause was announced.
2.4. “Voting” phase
2.4.1. After all the players have made their speeches, the Host announces the “Voting” phase. After the announcement of the Voting, all gestures must stop. For any gesture after the announcement of the Voting, a foul is issued.
2.4.2. The “Voting” must be conducted from start to finish. The “Voting” phase is considered to be the entire period of time from the announcement by the host of the start of voting until the moment when voting was held for all the nominated candidates.
2.4.3. The outcome of the voting is the situation when a player gains an absolute majority of the votes, or the majority of the players voted to eliminate several players from the game.
2.4.4. The Voting during the first "Day" phase requires to have at least two candidates nominated. If only one candidate is proposed for voting on the first "Day", no voting takes place and the player remains in the game. This rule applies only to the first "Day" phase. If only one candidate is proposed for voting during subsequent "Days", the vote is not taken and the player is automatically eliminated from the game.
2.4.5. Before the “Voting” the Host reminds correctly nominated candidates in the order of receipt. Voting takes place in the same order. For example, if player number 8 was nominated before player number 5, then player number 8 is voted first, and then player number 5 is voted next.
2.4.6. Immediately after the announcement of the Voting, each player is obliged to put one elbow on the game table with his hand raised up. Each player must vote only with the hand with elbow is on the table. The second hand must not touch the table until the end of the Voting.

2.4.7. Voting for each nominated candidate begins after the words of the Host "Who votes against player number ...". Voting for a candidate lasts about 1.5 seconds and ends with the Host's word "Thank you". With the word "Thank you" and after it, the votes do not count.
2.4.8. The vote is accepted only when the hand, clenched into a fist with the thumb up, is properly placed on the table in an upright position. Each player is obliged to keep their hand on the table until the Host announces the number of accepted votes. After that, the player can remove their hand from the table.
2.4.9. The player with the most votes is eliminated from the game. This player has the right to the last word (no more than 1 minute) and must leave the table silently and without gesticulation. The role of the player is not revealed.
2.4.10. If a player votes for a candidate but then lifts their hand off the table before or along with the word "Thank you", they receive a foul. In this case, their vote counts.
2.4.11. Players are not allowed to put their hand on the table before the Host announces the nominations. For this violation, the player is punished with a foul.
2.4.12. If during the Voting a player, placing one elbow on the table, votes with the other hand, or does not fully place his hand on the table, but simply touches the table with a finger, or votes with a palm, or violates the form of voting in any other way, then the Host eliminates this player from the table and their vote is not counted.
2.4.13. Each player is only allowed to vote for one nominated candidate. A player who has voted more than once is given a foul and only their first vote counts.
2.4.14. If a player does not vote, then their vote counts for the last nominated candidate. However, the Host has the right to require players who did not vote to put their hands in favor of the last candidate. Failure to comply with the Host's request may be punished with a foul.
2.4.15. When two (or three, or four, or even five, if it comes to it) players have an equal number of majority votes, further discussion takes place. In this case, each player whose candidacy received the most votes is given the opportunity to make an additional 30-second speech. A second round of voting then takes place, in which votes are cast only for the remaining candidates with the highest number of votes received in round one of Voting. If the votes are equally divided again among more than one player, the Host announces a vote for all players with the majority of votes to be eliminated. In the mafia lexicon, this is called a "cross shooting." Players are only eliminated if the simple majority of the players voted for elimination.
2.4.16. The Host has the right to announce a time-out during the "Voting" phase. In this case, the players adopt a "night pose", the rules of the "Night" phase come into effect until the end of the time-out.
2.5. “Night” phase
2.5.1. After the end of the “Voting” phase, the Host announces “Night”, and all players must take the “night pose”.
2.5.2. During this and subsequent Nights, "black" players have an opportunity to eliminate a player by "shooting" at them. “Shot” occurs as follows: after the Host announces “The Mafia goes hunting”, “black” players, remaining in masks, raise one hand with one or two fingers pointing up. Then the Host announces the numbers of the players remaining at the table from smallest to largest. When the Host calls out the number of the player the mafia wants to shoot at, all the members of the mafia must "shoot" by squeezing their fingers pointing upwards, imitating the shot gesture. If members of the mafia "shoot" at different players, a miss is recorded, and no one is eliminated from the game. A miss is also recorded if any member of the mafia "does not shoot" or "shoots" at more than one player. Then the Host announces: "The Mafia is falling asleep.”
2.5.3. The Host then announces, "The Don is waking up and looking for the Sheriff." The Don takes off his mask - he is allowed to "check" one player during the night. "The Don" the player's number on the fingers to the Host. The Host should duplicate the number of the player that Don points to to make sure that the sign is understood correctly, then silently indicates “YES” (if the player is a “Sheriff”) or “NO” (if the player is NOT a “Sheriff”) with a nod of the head. The Host then announces "The Don is going to sleep" and The Don puts his mask back on. The Don is given no more than 15 seconds to check.
2.5.4. The Host then announces: "The Sheriff is waking up." The Sheriff takes off his mask - they are allowed to "check" one player during the night. "The Sheriff" on the fingers shows the player's number for verification. The host duplicates the number of the player whom the Sheriff is pointing at to make sure that the sign is understood correctly, then silently indicates “YES” (if the player is “black”) or “NO” (if the player is NOT “black”) with a nod of the head. The Host then announces "The Sheriff is going to sleep" and the Sheriff puts his mask back on. The Sheriff is given no more than 15 seconds to check.
2.5.5. The Don and Sheriff check phases are announced during all subsequent "Nights", even when the Don or Sheriff have already left the game.
2.5.6. After the end of the “Night” phase, the Host announces: “Morning. Everyone is waking up." All players take off their masks. The host announces the results of the "shooting". Either "Mafia missed", or the number of the player whom "Mafia” “killed" is announced.
2.5.7. The "killed" player has the right to the last word (no more than 1 minute), and then must leave the table.
2.5.8. After the player “killed” at night leaves the table, a new game "Day" phase begins. Speeches on this and each subsequent game “Day” begin with the next after the player who spoke first on the previous round. However, in order to avoid giving the same player the advantage of finishing the “Day” phase on two rounds in a row, the opening of the game day may be shifted further in ascending player numbers. For example, if player number 1 is no longer in the game, at the start of the second "Day", then the speeches start with player number 3, not 2. In this case, player 2, not player 10, will end the round two rounds in a row.
2.5.9. The Host has the right to announce a time-out during the "Night" phase. In this case, the players keep all the rules of the "Night" phase and the players observe the night landing until the end of the time-out.
2.6. Prima Nota
2.6.1. Any player “killed” on the first night (First Killed Player, FKP) has the right to name three black players for the record. This is called “Prima Nota” and is allowed only if all 10 player are still in game at the time when Prima Nota is announced.
2.6.2. To voice the Prima Nota, the Host wakes the FKP by announcing the number of the FKP aloud. The FKP removes the mask and has up to 15-20 seconds to tell or show on fingers their Prima Nota. The Host then announces "Accepted" and the player puts on the mask again and returns to the Night Pose. After that, the Host announces: “Morning. Everyone is waking up." All players wake up, and the first-killed player has the right to the last minute-long speech. If, while saying the Prima Nota during the “Night” phase, the player starts an additional discussion about the game or begins to give a game-related information, the Host has the right to remove them for violating the rules of the “Night” phase.
2.6.3. Prima Nota must be pronounced in the affirmative form in the present tense. For example, “Accept the three mafias” or “My Prima Nota is…”. With the correct wording of the Prima Nota, the Host is obliged to confirm this with the word "Accepted".
2.6.4. The Host accepts a correctly named Prima Nota from any player, regardless of his role. However, only the Reds or Sheriff are entitled to additional points for a correctly named two or three of “blacks”. If the Don or Mafia were killed on the first night, they also have the right to leave Prima Nota on the protocol, but will not receive additional points for it.
A “Red” player gets 1 extra point if he correctly names all three black players in their Prima Nota, and 0.5 points if they name two of the three. The Sheriff gets 0.5 points if they correctly name 2 or 3 black players.
2.6.5. The first player “killed” does not have the right to change their Prima Nota after it has been accepted by the Host.
2.7. Ending and result of the game
2.7.1. The "Day" and "Night" phases alternate until one of the teams wins. The victory of the "Reds" is declared when all members of the "Mafia" team are eliminated from the game. The victory of the "Mafia" is declared when the same number of "red" and "black" players remain at the gaming table.
2.7.2. The game can also end in tie. A tie is declared in the following situations: If for three nights and three days in a row, starting from the night, no one leaves the game. If on the last day of the game, when 3 or 4 players left, all players vote to have all players leave the game. In this case, the black player may receive a “yellow card” for not trying to win the game.
2.7.3. According to paragraph 2.7.1, the victory of one of the teams comes at a decisive moment in the game: after determining the results of the decisive vote, after a successful night "shooting" or elimination of a player from the game.
2.7.4. The game is considered completed only after the Host announces “Stop the game. [Red or Black] team win/ It’s a tie.”
2.7.5. Despite the fact that the outcome of the game has already been determined, any player leaving the game has the right to a closing speech up to 1-minute long.
3. Point System
3.1. Depending on their roles and the outcome of the game, players receive the following points:
Win | Lose | Tie | |
Citizen | +4 | +1 | 0 |
Mafia | +4 | +1 | 0 |
Sheriff | +4 | +1 | 0 |
Don | +4 | +1 | 0 |
3.2. Players can also earn extra points for exceptional actions in the game:
Citizen, Prima Nota (guested 2 “black” players) | +0.5 |
Citizen, Prima Nota (guested 3 “black” players) | +1 |
Sheriff, Prima Nota (guested 2 or 3 “black” players) | +0.5 |
Best Move | +0.5,+1 |
Best Play | +1.5,+2 |
3.3. Additional points can be awarded to a maximum of four players per game.
3.4. The maximum sum of additional points awarded per game is 5 points.
3.5. The host may award +0.5, +1, +1.5, and +2 points depending on the individual positive contribution of each player.
3.6. The Best Play points can only be awarded to the player of the winning team. Only one player can be nominated for Best Play per game.
3.7. The Best Play cannot be determined in the case of a tie, as there is no winning team.
3.8. Best Move can be nominated by both the winning and losing teams. No more than four Best Move nominations (three if there is parallel nomination for Best Play) can be made per game. Best Moves can be awarded to players of any team in any number, as long as it does not contradict other criteria for awarding additional points.
3.9. The same player CANNOT receive nominations for both Best Move and Best Player in the same game.
3.10. Compensatory additional points are given to players of the red team (civilians and sheriff) who were killed on the first game night (the very first mafia shooting in the game) and lost more than once at a separate distance in the tournament. In the case of a second shooting and subsequent loss by the red team, the player receives an additional +1 point. In the case of a third shooting and subsequent loss, the player receives an additional +2 points. In the case of a fourth and subsequent shootings and subsequent loss, the player receives an additional +3 points (the maximum number of compensatory points awarded per game is +3).
3.10.1. Shootings on the first night, followed by a red win, are not counted.
3.10.2. In the case of a team tournament, this rule applies only to the specific player's points, not the entire team.
3.10.3. In the case where the tournament is divided into several stages with a different number of participants, compensatory points are calculated for each stage separately. In the case of a coefficient on any event stage, compensatory points are multiplied by the coefficient.
3.11. Best Move and Prima Nota points are added even in the case of a tie.
3.11.1. In the case of an automatic replay according to section 4.13, Prima Nota and Best Move points that were earned before the replay was appointed (e.g. breaking a black player to become sheriff, a successful cover by a red player) are added to the points for the replay.
3.11.2. In the case of a tie declared for a repeated replay according to section 4.16, players are awarded points for Prima Nota and Best Moves that were earned before the second replay was appointed, as well as during the initial game and the first replay.
3.12. Players can also be penalized for actions that negatively impact the game:
Worst Move | - 0.5, -1 |
Worst Play | -1.5 |
Removal | -1.5 |
"Yellow" card | -2 |
"Red" card | Removal from the tournament & -2 points to the rating |
3.13. Penalties are cumulative. For example, if a player who has been removed from the game commits an incorrect action against other players or the host while leaving the game room, which is penalized with a yellow card, then the sum of penalties for removal (-1.5) and the card (-2) will be entered in the final rating, resulting in a total of -3.5 points.
3.14. The host may award -0.5, -1, and -1.5 points depending on the individual negative contribution of each player.
Important Comment: Negative extra points will be awarded strictly at the discretion of the judge. The purpose of negative extras is to introduce objective tournament consequences from the destructive actions of the players. The referee will take into account all the factors that influenced the final result of the game and make the final decision.
3.15. Worst Play points can only be awarded to the player of the losing team who had an extremely negative impact on the result of their team's game. Only one player can be nominated for Worst Play per game.
Worst Game Examples: Intentional or accidental demolition by a player into a player of his team with a clear and understandable “drank” of the table, as a result of which the team lost.
A red player who is revealed by a fake sheriff and does not "roll back", causing the red team to lose
Sheriff announces incorrect checks, causing the red team to lose
Red player who votes (saws) into himself or reliably knows the red player in a guessing game with three players, which causes black to catch his vote and win
A black player/don who misses a well-determined shot that should have resulted in a black win
The black player who didn't wake up on the contract and the black team lost
3.16. Worst Play cannot be determined in the case of a tie, as there is no losing team.
3.17. Worst Move can be nominated by both the winning and losing teams. Worst Move points can be awarded to players of any team in any number, as long as it does not contradict other criteria for awarding additional points.
Worst Move Examples:
A red player who votes for 3 to 3 in a situation where you can play the balance and continue the game
A red player who votes for the revealed sheriff on a non-critical circle by a lead-out vote with a further loss of red
A red player who votes 3 in 3/2 in 2/1 in 1 against one hard or multiple correct wills from other reds
The red player or players who firmly stood up to each other in opposition to which the red team played and lost (the one who is more categorical and uncompromising among them in his calls to remove the other has more minuses)
The sheriff who forgot to wake up and check
The red player/sheriff who violently initiated the raise of three red players in a nine (four in an eight, two in a six or four)
Black player/Don who misses more than once on a clearly assigned “dynamic” or re-assigns an incomprehensible dynamic
Don, who did not wake up at night, when it is still unknown who the sheriff is
A black player/don who misses the key moment of shooting the sheriff with a clearly assigned “dynamic” and no counterversion from the black team
A black player/don who is revealed by a fake sheriff and checks so badly that it will lead to a mathematical victory for red
3.18. The same player CANNOT receive nominations for Worst Move and Worst Player in the same game.
3.19. Positive and negative additional points described in sections 3.2 and 3.12 are added together. For example, if the same player made both negative actions (for -0.5) and outstanding moves (for +1 point) in one game, they will receive the final sum of additional points after the game (1-0.5=0.5 additional points in total).
3.20. Rules for determining players' positions in the tournament table are determined by...
3.20.1. If the rating points are equal, the advantage is given to the player with the greater amount of additional points.
3.20.2. If the sums of additional points are equal, the advantage is given to the player who has won the most wins with role cards.
3.20.3. If the number of wins by role cards is equal, the advantage is given to the player who has won the most wins.
3.20.4. If the number of wins is equal, the advantage is given to the player with more deaths on the first game night.
3.20.5. If all the above indicators are equal, the advantage of one or another player is determined by lot.
4. Etiquette and Sanctions
4.1. Maf Club adheres to strict etiquette rules. Any unethical behavior before, during or after the game may be punished with a warning, exclusion from the club, or removal from the tournament. Such violations may take the form of behavior, speech, or even indecent clothing.
4.2. During the game, players are not allowed to appeal to religious or other ethical (and ethnic) values in order to prove their role. Depending on the context of the unacceptable expressions, players may receive a warning or be removed from the game.
4.3. Warnings (remarks or fouls) are issued for the following violations:
4.3.1. Talking out of turn, including interjections and whispers.
4.3.2. Touching a neighboring player (with hands or feet) during the day.
4.3.3. Excessive gesturing that distracts other players.
4.3.4. Any gesturing and calls during the voting phase.
4.3.5. Any gesturing indicating shooting after the announcement of the "Night" phase while all players are taking their night positions before the start of the active "Night" phase.
4.3.6. Knocking on the game table, or other sounds that distract other players.
4.3.7. During the voting - voting according to point 2.4.8 before the Host announces the nominated candidates.
4.3.8. Unethical behavior towards other players and the Host, disputes with the Host.
4.3.9. Failure to vote when the Host requires to cast the remaining votes against the last candidate.
4.3.10. Delay in putting on the mask after the announcement of "Night".
4.3.11. Pulling the hand away from the table during the vote before saying "Thank you" and summarizing.
4.3.12. Attempting to hide any information from other players during the "day" phase. For example, trying to show something behind other players' backs.
4.3.13. Violation of the rules of night behavior before receiving the game role during the distribution of cards to other players.
4.3.14. Violations described in the previous paragraphs.
4.3.15. Other violations determined by the Host.
4.4. A player who receives a third warning loses their right to speak for one round and only has the right to nominate a candidate. If a player receives a third warning during their speech, they have the right to finish their current speech.
4.4.1. A player who receives a third warning loses their turn to speak, even if only their candidacy is presented on that "Day." However, in critical situations (if the player is in a car accident or is killed), even with three warnings, the player is given the right to a 30-second speech in the event of a car accident and 1 minute for their final speech. In a critical situation on the last "Day" when there are 3 or 4 players remaining, that player also has the right to a 30-second speech.
4.5. A player who receives a fourth warning is excluded from the game without the right to have a final say.
4.6. During their speech, a player may ask the Host/Judge, "How many warnings do I have?" and the Judge will respond in words or gestures. The player also has the right to ask the Host/Judge about the number of warnings outside their speech, and they will receive a gesture response, without distracting other players.
4.6.1. In the event of abuse of rule 4.6 (repeated questions to the Judge regarding warnings, gestures distracting other players), the Host has the right to ignore the question and issue an additional warning.
4.7. When issuing warnings, the Host must announce which warning is being issued to the player.
4.8. Removals are assigned for the following serious violations:
4.8.1. Voting with the hand that was on the table before the vote began.
4.8.2. Unintentionally peeping during the "Night" phase.
4.8.3. Leaving the gaming table without the Host's permission. A player has the right to get up from their chair to adjust what they are sitting on and sit back down. However, if the player gets up from their chair and moves away from it, even one step, this is considered leaving the gaming table.
4.8.4. Using profanity in any language.
4.8.5. Crying at the gaming table.
4.8.6. Any shout after the "Night" phase is announced.
4.8.7. Touching another player (with hand or foot) during the night.
4.8.8. If a player shows the Sheriff or Don whom to check during the night.
4.8.9. If a red player raises their hand during the shooting of black players during the night, mimicking a shot.
4.8.10. Appealing to religious, ethnic, or ethical values in a way that directly determines the player's role. Examples of such statements include: "I swear I'm red," "If you go to church, you have to vote for me as red," "We are of the same nation, you cannot vote for me."
4.8.11. Begging. A player is removed from the game for begging during persuasion. An example of such a statement might be, "I implore you, vote with me." This is also prohibited in the form of gestures, when a player, folding their palms together, demonstrates a prayer gesture. A player is also removed from the game for such a violation.
4.8.12. Bets in any form and their equivalents.
4.8.13. Declaring a protest before the end of the game.
4.8.14. Other gross violations determined by the Host.
4.9. A player is removed from the game for using psychological pressure that non-gameplay-wise inevitably affects the further gameplay decisions and actions of other players. The fact of non-gameplay psychological pressure during the game is determined by the Game Master and is not subject to dispute by the players.
The Game Master has the right to determine non-game pressure at their discretion, even if the situation is not specified in the aforementioned examples. At the same time, the aforementioned examples themselves do not necessarily lead to removal; the gameplay context and the Game Master's determination of non-game psychological pressure are important.
4.10. A player who has been removed from the game must immediately leave the game table without a single word or gesture. In case of violation of this rule, the player is punished with a "Yellow" card.
4.11. In case a player is removed during the night phase, the Game Master removes the player only after the Sheriff's check phase (after the words "Sheriff falls asleep"), and the player must leave the game table before the announcement of "morning". At the same time, any gameplay actions of the player after the violation leading to removal are not taken into account by the Game Master. Immediately after the announcement of morning, the Game Master announces that the player was removed for violating the rules of night behavior and does not give additional explanations for the reason for removal to the other players.
4.12. In case a player is removed from the table, the nearest voting is cancelled, except in cases where the player left after they were killed at night or after they were voted during the day. At the same time, the Game Master makes the correct candidate settings, even if the voting does not take place.
4.12.1. If a player is removed during a vote when the voting results are not determined, then the current vote is cancelled, and only the removed player leaves the table in silence.
4.12.2. If a player is removed during a vote after the voting results have been determined (another player receives the majority of votes), then first the removed player leaves the table in silence, then the voted player with the right to make a farewell speech, after which the voting for the next round is cancelled.
4.12.3. In case a player is removed on the "zero round" (the first game "Day"), when there are 10 people at the table and only one candidate is nominated for voting, the voting of the "zero round" (the first game "Day") is cancelled, even if the second candidate is not nominated later and the formal voting is not conducted according to the rule 2.4.4.
4.12.4. In case two (or more) players are removed, then two (or more) subsequent separate votes are not conducted.
4.13. Instant (automatic) replay is appointed for the following gross violations:
4.13.1. Oath. Instant replay is appointed for any form of oath from a player with the aim of influencing the game result. Examples of such statements may include: "I swear, I am a red player", "God sees, I am red", "placing my hand on the Bible, I promise, I am the Sheriff", or "I give my tooth, I am the Sheriff".
4.13.2. Bribery, blackmail, or threat. Instant replay is appointed for bribery in financial or any other form. Examples of such statements may include: "vote for player number 5, and I'll give you $20" or "vote with me, and I'll sleep with you". It is also prohibited to show money to other players, implying bribery. For using blackmail and direct threats, players can receive a direct red card at the discretion of the judge and other tournament organizers.
4.13.3. The use by the Sheriff of unique (only available to them) night information to prove their role.
4.13.4. Hints (exclamations or other types of information transmission that affect or potentially affect the game) received from people outside the game table/room.
4.14. Instant replay is appointed as follows:
- The Game Master announces "Stop the game, replay";
- The players remain in the same game positions where they were sitting;
- The eliminated players return to their seats;
- The Game Master briefly explains the violation for which the replay is initiated;
- The players greet each other, and the replay begins with a new deal of cards.
In this case, the Game Masters may take a time-out at any time during the above process and consult with the Tournament Organizing Committee or the Maf Club Refereeing Committee regarding their decision.
4.15. The offending player who committed a violation leading to a replay receives -3.5 points (removal + yellow card) in the final rating after the replay, so even if the team of the offending player wins during the replay, they still receive only 0.5 points for that victory.
4.15.1. If the same player triggers an automatic replay more than once during a tournament, that player receives a Red Card (-2 points) in addition to the above-mentioned -3.5 points and is disqualified from the tournament, and their case is referred to the Disciplinary Committee.
4.16. In exceptional cases, if the gross violation described in paragraph 4.13 occurs again during an automatic replay, the Tournament Organizing Committee has the right to declare a draw.
4.17. A "Yellow" card is issued for the following gross violations:
4.17.1. Attempt to pass additional game information made by a player after/while leaving the playing table in case of removal.
4.17.2. Attempt to view more than one card from the deck during the role distribution.
4.17.3. If the killed Sheriff does not reveal and declare the conducted checks or voices them deliberately incorrectly while leaving, as a result of which the "red" team suffers a defeat.
4.17.4. Unethical behavior or use of foul language during the game or between games during the tournament or club game evening.
4.17.5. Repeated removals from the game.
4.18. A "Red" card is issued for the following critical violations:
4.18.1. Deliberate peeking to obtain information, other non-game ways of obtaining information.
4.18.2. The most egregious unethical behavior, disrespect for players, the Leading or the Organizing Committee.
4.18.3. Intentional game leak.
4.19. All incidents that lead to the issuance of yellow and red cards may be considered by the Maf Club Disciplinary Committee, which may approve the legitimacy of the penalty or recommend other sanctions.
4.20. Players have the right to appeal only in the case of a gross violation of the rules by the Leading. The appeal must be filed within 15 minutes from the moment the judge announces the end of the game. The club management or tournament organizing committee is obliged to listen to the appeal and familiarize themselves with the situation from the players and the Leading, and, in case of confirmation of a gross violation, to appoint a replay.
Examples of gross violations by the Leading:
- Removing two players in case of an "auto-catastrophe" with an equal number of votes for and against removal.
- Premature declaration of victory when there is a mathematical chance for another result. An example of this could be a situation where out of 7 remaining players at the table, three are black, and the Leading, without waiting for the results of the night shooting, declares the victory of the "black" team.
- Incorrect night check/announcement of the shooting that had consequences and affected the outcome of the game.
- Other gross violations by the Leading, which are established by the club management or the tournament organizing committee.
- It is the club management or the tournament organizing committee (the Chief Judge together with the judging panel) that determines whether there was a gross violation and makes a decision regarding a replay without the presence of the Leading, sideline judges, and players who participated in the game. The club management or the tournament organizing committee can always contact members of the Maf Club Refereeing Committee if necessary.
5. Online Games
5.1. Maf Club uses online platforms to conduct games in which players' behavior and gameplay must follow the system's general rules. All basic rules described in sections 1-4 apply to online games within the system (if applicable).
Comment: All rules regarding etiquette and sanctions (warnings, deletions, replays) described in section 4 apply to online games as well.
5.2 Sections 5.3-5.10 rules apply only to online games.
5.3. During the game, players' faces must be visible to other players and the Moderator on camera in real-time. Playing without a face or disappearing from the screen for more than 10-15 seconds without the Moderator's permission according to section 5.9 is prohibited.
5.4. During the game, players must play sitting or standing in one place and be in a quiet space without the presence of other people on camera. Playing in a noisy public place (such as a cafe or hookah bar), playing lying down (with head in a horizontal position), constantly moving, or driving a car while playing is prohibited.
5.5 Using phones and other communication devices during the game is prohibited. Players are prohibited from communicating with each other beyond the online game table (text messages, chats, calls, etc.).
5.6 Playing without upper clothing (with bare torso or in underwear) is prohibited during the game.
5.7 Technical fouls (technical remarks or warnings) are used only in online games and are issued for the following violations:
5.7.1 Player disappeared from a working camera for more than 10-15 seconds
5.7.2 Speech in a foreign language (if the judge does not understand)
5.7.3 Demonstration of prohibited (adult, offensive) content on camera (revealing nudity or demonstrating genitalia is punished by direct removal)
Comment: Revealing nudity or demonstrating genitalia is punished by direct removal.
5.7.4 Use of a phone during the game
5.7.5 Demonstration of any text on camera (on paper, phone, etc.)
5.7.6 Indirect insult to players or the Moderator
5.7.7 Excessive emotionality without psychological pressure
5.7.8 Other technical violations determined by the Moderator
5.8 A player who receives a 2nd technical foul is excluded from the game without the right to have a final say.
5.9 In case of urgent need, players can request a technical pause with speech or gestures (time-out). In the case of a valid reason, the Moderator declares a pause during which players are prohibited from communicating with each other and gesturing.
5.10 In case of a closed vote (voting not in real-time and hidden from other players), warnings for gesturing during the voting phase according to section 4.3.4 are not issued.
Chairman of SK Maf Club: Anton Martynchuk
Chairman of the Organizing Committee: Pavel Lagutin